Sunday, April 19, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Greetings and welcome to my blog!!

I had this idea to start a blog about three years ago but never found aroundtuit. Well I found that roundtuit it begins.

Bigger than the Monster will encompass many things. Monsters are like assholes, everybodys got them. Monsters can be right out in the open or hiding in the closet or under the bed. They can be very real or just in one's head but they really do exsist. Monsters can scare us, threaten us and/or drive us friggin crazy. So why not decide to be bigger and badder than the damn things and get rid of them. OK nuf said.

My monster for today (besides starting this blog which as been haunting me for over 3 years) was helping my daughter Axie write a plot summary for her first novel. Well not actually helping but actually writing the damn thing and giving it to her to edit rather than the other way around. Usually I edit her stuff. So what is so scary about that? I thought I would sit at the compter screen and stare at it when actually words came to mind and I typed. Not so scary afterall. It may suckass but I started anyway and the fear is ....well....gone YIPPEE

so yea, welcome to my at ya later...Dana

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