Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Red Wings and Racing

Three words say it all.....GO RED WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea I admit I am a hockey fan. It is easy to say it is my favorite spectator sport. I love it...love the hustle, the skill, the speed of the game and of course the players accents. Three words say it all.........GO RED WINGS!!!!!!!!!

I ran two races last week, one 5K and one 8K. Both of which I won my age group (50-59 and 50-54 respectively) I shaved 2 minutes off both times from last years races so I am feeling really good about my winter training and how far I have come since I began running three years ago. In the 8K I even won the Grand Masters, meaning the old farts classes 50 and up. So there ya go. Even ex-drunks can turn things around and head in a healthier direction.

Running for me is more than just a physical thing. It is a place I can go and leave the thoughts of yesterday, today and tomorrow on a shelf for a bit and concentrate on the run. I let my mind go and my body just flow...it is a real meditative thing for me. Then I follow up with Yoga or at least stretches dervied from Yoga. This helps keep my body aligned, muscles loose, increases flexibilty and improves my breathing. I also can let the energy of the day leave for a while and find focus and balance in my body and mind. And it is all fun!! I find cross training with Yoga and Pilates a great compliment to running.

The weather could sure turn its happy ass around up here in Michigan. The high today is supposed to be 63. It is June 2!!! The seeds I planted in the garden last week are probably shivering or putting on coats at this point. I'll say this again....Global Warming my lily white ass...Al Gore never took much data from Mid-Michigan. Anyway my garden is mostly planted except for the plants themselves because we still have frost warnings for later in the week. This is getting ridiculous in my book, but since there is not one damn thing I can do about it I'll just chuckle at it all.....makes for great running weather anyway.

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