Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rainy Sunday

Ah...a rainy Sunday morning here on the island!  I actually have goosebumps.  Seems wonderful to have an escape from the oppressive humidity and heat of the last week.  We experienced high "real feel" temps for well over a week now and the change is very welcome.  Now it is supposed to be rainy and stormy for the next 4 days so I will probably be bitching in no time. In the mean time I can catchup on inside stuff and run in the rain which I have come to really enjoy.   Maybe spend more time with Yoga also.

In my last post I quoted "Self confidence is knowing that we have the capacity to do something and firmly decide not to give up" by the Dalai Lama. I found in the beginning of sobriety that my self confidence was shot.  I felt like I had to learn to live all over again without the courage and confidence that alcohol so falsely provided.  So the process began very slowly and painfully.  Because I have enjoyed athletic activities almost my entire life that is the arena I naturally gravitated towards.  Started with walking, then the whole running discovery kicked in and now scuba diving and boating on the ocean.  I feel confident in my abilities in these activities and it is real....not falsely propped up with artificial courage.  And this confidence is not egotistical but a feeling of freedom and independence...freedom from needing artificial backing up.  Somehow this feeling of wellness and confidence carries over into my daily activities bit by bit and I feel better about myself as time goes by.  I guess a little bit of self confidence goes a long way.             

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